Jigsaw Leeds: 0113 203 2771
(open Mon-Wed and Fri-Sun)
Jigsaw Wealstun: 01937 444663
(open Mon-Thu and Sat-Sun)
Jigsaw Support at HMP Wealstun
To find out more information about any of these projects, please phone us on 01937 444620 or speak to a member of our team.

Family Engagement Workers
Our Family Engagement Workers are here to help and support prisoners with any issues such as:
Re-establishing contact with children and other family members
Providing emotional support for you and your family
Maintaining family ties
Support with social services
To access these services, prisoners will need to fill in an application which are available on their wings. The applications will be returned to Jigsaw for processing, after which an appointment will be made to see a Family Engagement Worker.
Family members can find out about this service by speaking to a member of the Jigsaw Team who will be based in the visitors centre tea bar before visits.
Remember no question is a silly question, we are here to help and support you at this time.
Parenting Course: Fathers Footsteps
Jigsaw run a 10 week course that is specifically designed for fathers who are temporarily absent from the family. The course aims to encourage fathers to be active parents whilst temporarily being absent from the family home. On successful completion of the course fathers receive a Level 1 qualification in Parenting. This achievement is celebrated with the fathers and their families on a celebration day at the end of the course.
Family Visits
Family Days are longer visits centred around Dads spending time with their children.
There are currently 9 Family Visit days a year. On these days Jigsaw organise arts and crafts, quizzes, bingo and also incorporate refreshments. ​These days provide an opportunity for fathers to spend quality time with their family in a comfortable environment.
Family Forum
Online family forums take place to allow families to speak with one of the Governors of HMP Wealstun. Holding these forums online means that families don't need to travel to the prison but can join by downloading the Microsoft Teams app. Speak to a member of Jigsaw staff to find out more about how to attend.
Jigsaw Schools Project
This service is currently on hold but we aim to restart it in future.
Within West Yorkshire, there are an estimated 10,000 children with a parent or loved one in prison. Working in partnership with St Giles Trust and West Yorkshire Police, we have developed a package of training and support for teachers and education professionals in West Yorkshire to help them to understand and support those children and families in their communities.
Through the generous support of the People’s Postcode Trust, during 2020 and 2021 we were able to offer a limited number of free training places for schools in West Yorkshire. Our one-day training, delivered at HMP Wealstun near Thorp Arch, Wetherby, gave participants an understanding of and insight into the experiences of children with a family member involved in the justice system.
Alongside this free training, an early intervention programme and toolkit for schools will help them to better support children and families in the school setting. ​The overall outcome of this project is to increase schools’ awareness of the effects of imprisonment on children and their families, and to provide them with the tools to help these children and young people to achieve to their full potential. By attending the one day workshop and taking up the support we offer, schools will be able to demonstrate their commitment to broadening and deepening their support for some of the most vulnerable children within their setting.