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Visitor Information Booklets:

Useful Links:

Prisoners' Families Helpline
General information about criminal justice processes such as what happens when someone is arrested, about bail, being remanded in custody, sentencing and release. They also operate a helpline which is open seven days a week: 0808 808 2003 (Mon-Fri 9am-8pm and Sat-Sun 10am-3pm).

Includes a series of videos to explain aspects of prison life which are available in different languages:  Urdu, Shqiptare, Lietuviu, Polski, Portugues, Soomaali, Romana, Cymraeg.

Prison Advice and Care Trust
PACT supports prisoners, people with convictions, and their children and families.

Includes resources to help children understand more about when someone goes to prison.

Prisoners' Advice Service
Prisoners’ Advice Service offers free legal advice and support to adult prisoners throughout England and Wales regarding their human and legal rights, conditions of imprisonment and the application of Prison Law and the Prison Rules. 

Children Heard and Seen
This organisation supports children and young people who have been affected by parental imprisonment. Their Support For Families page contains useful resources if you are considering how and when to tell a child that a parent is in prison.

Lucy Faithfull Foundation
This organisation supports partners, relatives and friends of those who have committed online offences.

Talking forward
Offers peer support groups in Leeds for anyone whose family member has been investigated for an online sexual offence.

Links to a wide range of helplines and organisations that support your emotional and practical health. This list includes local (Leeds and West Yorkshire) and National organisations.

Young Minds
Help for young people
 to get the mental health support they need.
Includes advice for parents about how to support their children

Find a prisoner
Use the Prisoner Location Service to find people in prison when you do not know which prison they are in.

Help with the cost of prison visits
You may be able to get help paying for the cost of a prison visit if you are on certain benefits or have a health certificate.

West Yorkshire Community Chaplaincy Project
WYCCP work alongside people who have been in prison to help them achieve settled and productive lives back in our community.

Bradford Court Chaplaincy Service
BCCS are an independent charity which has been providing practical, spiritual support to court users since 2009. This volunteer led organisation supports people across both law courts in Bradford. They offer free, confidential, practical and pastoral support  to all court users. 

Research and Evaluations:

© Jigsaw Charity 2023


Jigsaw Visitors Centre
c/o HMP Leeds
2 Gloucester Terrace
LS12 2TJ



0113 203 2771 (Leeds)
01937 444663 (Wealstun)

Registered Charity No: 1113759
Registered Company No: 4278920

Jigsaw Visitors Centre is a registered charity that offers support to those visiting their loved ones in prison.

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