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  • Arriving at prison
    - Please report in for your visit at Jigsaw Visitors Centre, located on Gloucester Terrace before you reach the prison main gate. When the centre is closed, please report to the main gate. - When you arrive at Jigsaw you will need to fill in a visitor confirmation slip. Jigsaw staff will take you through the booking in process, this includes : Checking your identification and finger prints : If it is your first visit your photograph will be taken for future reference. : You can prepare for you visit by using the lockers in the centre - Once you have completed the booking in process, you will be directed to go across in turn to the prison Main Gate where HM Prison staff will take you through the security process and escort you to where the visit will take place If you have any worries, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff at Jigsaw Visitors Centre.
  • Identification
    Adults (18 years and over) must provide ID: Only original documents will be accepted - Photocopies, faxes and items printed from the internet WILL NOT be accepted. Addresses and dates of birth must match throughout all ID provided and any information given when booking a visit or by the prisoner on his contact list. Children (under 18 years) From 1st February 2017 all visitors under the age of 18 will require a FULL BIRTH CERTIFICATE to enter the prison. No other form of identification will be acceptable. All Visitors under the age of 18 attending social visits MUST be accompanied by an adult. If the child is visiting without their legal parent or guardian but with another adult then a letter of consent is required from their parent/guardian. The letter must include a contact number for the parent/guardian to allow staff to check its validity prior to the visit taking place. ANY under 18's who attend the prison without a letter of consent will be refused entry. Red books will only be allowed for newborn babies under 6 weeks old. ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF ID: One of the following - - An up to date photo driving licence that shows the correct address - An up to date passport (passports that have expired may be allowed for up to 6 months after expiry only if you are still recognisable on the photograph) - A concessionary bus pass such as a senior citizen or disability pass issued by the local authority or local public transport authority such as West Yorkshire Metro or Travel South Yorkshire - A national identity card issued by an European Union or European Economic Area member state. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE ONE OF THE ABOVE YOU CAN BRING TWO OF THE FOLLOWING - - A birth or marriage certificate - A foreign identity card or residents card - A credit or debit card In setting the ID requirement it has been necessary to strike a balance between the need to satisfactorily establish the identity of any visitors against preventing visitors entry to the establishment because they are not in possession of sufficient identity documents. It is recognised that in exceptional circumstance, there may be occasions where visitors are genuinely unable to meet the ID requirements. In these instances, visitors should make a written application to the Governor explaining their circumstances. It should be noted that exceptional permission such as this will only be granted in advance of a visit, visitors should not expect exceptional permission to be granted on the day of the visit. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE THE CORRECT ID YOU MAY BE REFUSED ENTRY
  • Clothing
    The clothing rules for HMP Leeds are set out below. Please read these carefully before arriving otherwise you risk being refused entry to the prison. If on arrival at the Jigsaw Visitors Centre we think that the prison may refuse entry based on your clothing, we may ask you to check it is acceptable with the visits booking desk in person before booking ;you in. Please do not be offended if we ask you to do this - this will help to ensure that you are not refused entry as it will give you the chance to change or remove any offending items. HMP Leeds Clothing Instructions: Visitors to HMP Leeds must be dressed appropriately at all times, which will reflect our aim to create a family atmosphere as part of the Reducing Reoffending and Decency Agenda. This instruction applies to all visitors to the establishment regardless of age and gender. At HMP Leeds it is considered to be inappropriate to wear the following types of clothing: - Short / cropped tops that reveal naked midriff - Low cut tops or shirts that unbutton to reveal cleavage or bare chest - Mini-skirts that are shorter than knee length and expose thighs - All types of see-through clothing - Headwear (other than for religious purposes) - Clothing that is offensive in nature or displays offensive, discriminatory or inappropriate material including logos, vigils or sport teams - Ripped clothing - Cloaks, capes, scarves or other articles that could prevent staff from observing visitors and prisoners sufficiently - No boots higher than ankle height - No steel toe caps - No clothing which is deemed to have the potential to be used as a weapon - No multiple layers of the same item of clothing, such as two jackets, two pairs of trousers, etc. Any visitor that does not comply with this dress code will not be permitted entry to HMP Leeds.
  • Remand
    Remand prisoners at HMP Leeds are entitled to 3 visits a week if they are standard prisoners and 5 visits a week if they are enhanced. Families are able to book visits up to 2 weeks in advance.
  • Entering the Prison
    - Once through the main door to the Prison, go to the counter. - Uniformed staff will book you in and check your Visitor Slip and Identification.
  • The Visits Room
    A Prison officer will call you into the Visits Room by calling out the surname of the prisoner you are visiting. You will be given a table number to sit at when you enter the room. The person you are seeing will be brought over after you have sat down. He will sit at one side of the table with visitors opposite. There are three chairs for visitors, so if you have more children, they will have to sit on adults knees.
  • Children
    The Visits Room has a Play Area managed by Jigsaw Visitors Centre that is open on weekends and school holidays. it is staffed with dedicated Play Workers who entertain children and allow the adults to talk at the table together, ensuring that the visit is as stress-free as possible. You may bring 1 x nappy, baby wipes (out of the packet) and feeding bottles with formula milk. No juice is allowed but you can take an empty bottle or a feeder cup (with a top) into the Visits Room and purchase juice on the visit. There are baby change facilities in the waiting area outside the Visits Room.
  • Food and Drink
    Food and drinks can be purchased from the Visits Room Tea Bar, this is run by Jigsaw Staff. Proceeds from here go back into the centre to help us to develop our service. Hot drinks and soup are served in cups with lids. For security reasons you will need to keep the lids on drinks throughout the visit.
  • Toilets
    Toilets and baby changing facilities are available in the waiting area outside the Visits Room.
  • Conduct
    There are CCTV cameras in use in the Visits Room and your visit can be terminated at any time by Prison staff if your behaviour is inappropriate.
  • Possible Exclusions
    If you have previously been in custody you will need to have written permission from the Operations Governor at HMP Leeds before being allowed to visit. Once you have recieved written permission you must bring the letter with you on each visit. You must have the correct ID, as outlined above, or you'll be unable to visit
  • Post visit support
    In the event that you have to share news of concern to the person you are visiting, please inform a member of staff so that support and care can be communicated and organised for the person you have visited.

© Jigsaw Charity 2023


Jigsaw Visitors Centre
c/o HMP Leeds
2 Gloucester Terrace
LS12 2TJ



0113 203 2771 (Leeds)
01937 444663 (Wealstun)

Registered Charity No: 1113759
Registered Company No: 4278920

Jigsaw Visitors Centre is a registered charity that offers support to those visiting their loved ones in prison.

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